Tuesday, February 16, 2010

lookin for love....

So an ozzy buddy of mine a few months ago almost married a stripper he met 2 weeks before setting the date...which he called off 26 hours before it happened....wise, maybe...wussy move...Certainly!!!!
Anywho, when I was having a semi serious conversation with him I asked him what he was thinking and he responded with 5 words...."Mate, I'm lookin for love!!!"......
Which made me realize on valentines day, that unless you have it, you want it..
so until I find it...
I'm lookin for love..
here he is in all of his glory..
So whilst flying back from a job in mexico on sunday, valentines day...
The thought of that quote made me draw this little treat...
because the more I think about it, the more I too am..
Lookin for love....

1 comment:

  1. Awww, Christian!
    ...don't worry, we'll track down Joey Wolf eventually. Have no fear, love is near.
